독학 온라인 어학연수65 22.02.23.수 It doesn’t roll off the tongue. 발음하기 쉽지 않아. 권주현의 진짜 영국 영어 Today is Wedensday the 23rd of February. It’s a very good idea to write down new words you discover. Just by writing them down, you’ll start to recognize words when you read them. 어떤 단어를 말하기 쉽지 않을 때? ** roll off 굴러 떨어지다 = slip off the tongue = trip off the tongue ** roll off the tongue 혀에서 굴러 떨어지다 => 발음하기 쉽다;말하기 쉽다; A: 다시 말할께. 내 이름은 Joohyun이 아니라 Zoohyun이야. Let me tell you again. My name is Joohy.. 2023. 2. 23. 21.02.23 화 I’ve got to be careful what I do. 뭘하든 난 조심해야 해. 권주현의 진짜 영국 영어 Welcome to 권주현의 진짜 영국 영어 on EBS radio. Today is Tuesday, the 23rd of February. Well, asking for help is a sign of respect, not weakness. Moreover, nobody accomplishes anything truly great on his or her own. So, don’t be afraid to reach out for assistance. I can help you study English. Don’t go anywhere, then I will absolutely help you out. ** 직역: 나는 내가 하는 것을 조심해야 한다 (눈치보는 뉘앙스) ** 의역:뭘하든 조심해야 해; .. 2023. 2. 23. 22.02.16.수 Don’t be such a homebody. 집돌이/집순이처럼 굴지 마. 권주현의 진짜 영국 영어 Welcomd to 권주현의 진짜 영국 영어 on EBS. Today is Wednesday the 16th of February. Happy hump! Listeners! you make another great achievement that is learning a brand-new expression. 집에만 있는 친구에게? A: 집돌이처럼 굴지 마. Don’t be such a homebody. Don’t be such a homebody. 밖에 나가서 바람 좀 쐬지 마. Let’s go out and get some fresh air. Let’s go outside and get some fresh air. B: 그렇게 못 해. No, I can’t. No, I can’t. 나 갑자기 내성적인 .. 2023. 2. 16. 21.02.04.목 It is a shot in the arm. 그건 활력소야. 권주현의 진짜 영국 영어 You are listening to 권주현의 진짜 영국 영어 on EBS Radio. Today is Thusday, the 4th of February. Happy Thursday! Effective studies start with right attitude. A positive outlook can shift studying from a punishment, from a punishment to an opportunity to learn something. A positive outlook is a good characteristic of good mental and emotional health. Keep that in mind and let's get started. A: It is a sho.. 2023. 2. 4. 21.01.25.월 We chewed the fat. 우리는 수다를 떨었어. 권주현의 진짜 영국 영어 You’re listening to 권주현의 진짜 영국 영어 on EBS radio. Today is Monday the 25th of January. How to feel great and live a fulfilling life? Be satisfied and happy is a feeling which comes as a result of our selected and focused daily actions. When you accept your responsibility for your life and start creating good situations, all areas of your life will impove. When you focus on positive actions, your l.. 2023. 1. 25. 21.01.12.화 It’s at the heart of the matter. 그것이 문제의 핵심이야/사건의 본질이야. 권주현의 진짜 영국 영어 You’re listening to 권주현의 진짜 영국 영어 on EBS radio. Today is Tuesday the 12th of January. Your mood and life energy are directly related to the balance between your negative and postive inputs to your body and mind. You can’t feel excellent and have postive thoughts if you have too many negative inputs. So, listeners! Ready for your postive inputs today? ** heart 심장;마음 중심부 => 핵심/본질 ** 해석: 그것이 문제의 핵심.. 2023. 1. 12. 21.01.11.월 It is selling like hot cakes. 그건 불티나게 팔리고 있어. 권주현의 진짜 영국 영어 Welcome to 권주현의 진짜 영국 영어 on EBS radio. Today is Monday the 11th of January. How to fill great and **ful feeling life? Being satisfied and happy is a feeling, which comes as a result of our selecting and focused daily actions. When you accept responsibility for your life and start creating good situations, all areas of your life will improve. Well, when you focus on positive actions, your life wi.. 2023. 1. 11. 21.12.21.화 Easy Writing 제품 후기: 불타는 보온 양말(2) Burning Feet Socks Review (2) within [기간/시간] of [~ ing] 한지 [기간/시간]도 안되어 그들은 그 가스실에 들어간지 5분도 안되서 포기했어. They gave up within 5 minutes of getting into the gas room. They gave up within 5 minutes of entering the gas chamber. 너 그 사우나 들어간지 1분도 안되서 도로 나올거야. You'll get out within 1 minute of entering the sauna. You'll come back out within a minute of entering the sauna. 그들은 그 전투에 참여한지 3일도 안되서 항복했어. They surrendered within 3 days of .. 2022. 12. 21. 이전 1 2 3 4 ··· 9 다음 반응형