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21.04.22.목 Easy Writing 광고: They long to be close to you. out of nowhere 불현듯;뜬금없이(기대/예상 없던 상황) A car appeared out of nowhere She asked me an awkward question out of nowhere. She asked me a weird 괴상한 question out of nowhere. The enemies came out of nowhere. ============================== bird, near 근처에 있는, close 가까운;친한 born, angel, sprinkle 뿌리다 moon dust 달의 먼지. 별빛 starlight ============================== long to [동사원형] [동사원형]을 갈망하다 He longed to be with .. 2022. 4. 22.
22.04.21.목 Easy Writing 일기: 마스터유진의 다이어리 (2) It’s time to take care of my health. might as well [동사원형] = 차라리 [동사]하는 게 낫겠다. 전 차라리 2개를 사는 게 더 낫겠네요. I might as well buy 2. 넌 차라리 집에가서 옷을 갈아입는 게 더 낫겠어. You might as well go home and get changed. 우리 차라리 그냥 외식하는 게 더 낫겠어. We might as well just eat out. ** eat out 외식하다 ** eat in 집에서 먹다 ===================== matter 중요하다; 문제가 되다; 나에게 의미가 있다. colonoscopy 대장내시경 upper endoscopy 위내시경 procedure 수술; 시술 advance 발전 medical science 의료 과학 prep 준비 .. 2022. 4. 21.
21.04.21.수 Easy Writing 광고: 무선 진공청소기 Let us introduce our new vacuum cleaner. Let us introduce [명사] 명사를 소개합니다. Let us introduce our latest LED TV. Let us introduce our finest invention. Let us introduce the ever since fastest computer. Let us introduce the fastest computer of all time. (*역대 가장 빠른____the fastest ____ of all time) ============================== state-of-the-art(예술의 경지에 이른) 최신의 cordless, vacuum, boast 자랑하다;뽐내다 fade-free 점점 약해짐이 없는 run time 작동시간 vacuum cleane.. 2022. 4. 21.
22.04.20.수 Easy Writing 일기: 마스터유진의 다이어리 (1) It’s time to take care of my health What if [평서문]이면 어떡하지? (혼자 걱정하는 느낌) 세리나가 짜장면을 좋아하지 않으면 어떡하지? What if Serina doesn’t like 짜장면? 세린쌤: As long as there is 탕수육, I’ll love it. 그 가격이 떨어지면 어떡할거야? 넌 그걸 팔거야? What if the price goes down? Are you going to sell it? What if the price drops? Are you going to sell it? 내가 그녀와 연락이 끊기 lose contact with면 어떡하지? What if I disconnect to her? What if I lose contact with her? ==========================.. 2022. 4. 20.
21.04.19.월 Easy Writing 이메일: 인터넷 접속 장애 문의 I'm having trouble connecting to the internet try [~ 동사ing] 시도해본다 *try to 동사 I try to lose a weight: 몸무게 감량이 최종 목표 I try many things: 몸무게 감량을 위해서 많은 것을 시도해본다. I try walking everyday. We try using different combinations We try using a different combination Did you try rebooting your computer? ================================== have trouble애먹다, switch 옮기다;바꾸다;전환하다 reboot, connection, lost 손실된, router 공유기 work 효과가 있다, technician기술자 ===========.. 2022. 4. 19.
21.04.16.금 Easy Writing 대사: Bewitched, I just wish to live an ordinary life. pretty much 거의(=almost) The scientist is so smart that he knows pretty much everything. I am so hungry that I can eat pretty much anything. I am so starving that I can eat pretty much anything. I've finished pretty much. I've pretty much done. ============================== rich and famous 부유하고 유명한 extremely, wealthy, ordinary, guess 맞춰보다/추측하다/~인 것같다. become 그렇게 (되다) materialize실현되다, give up ===.. 2022. 4. 17.
21.04.15.목 Easy Writing 영화: Bewitched? (2) Isabel is accepting Jack's offer. be obsessed with [명사] [명사]에 집착하다 Emma Ston is obsessed with K-pop My son is obsessed with Pororo. What do you think 세리나 is obsessed with? ================================= naive 순진무구한, accept, overhear 엿들다 기회주의적인 opportunistic, betrayed, fooled, instantly, love-strunck 사랑에 사로잡힌 ================================= end up [~동사] : 결국 [~ 동사]하다 Tina ended up accepting the job offer. If you continue to .. 2022. 4. 15.
22.04.11.월 Easy Writing 이메일: 적합한 모델을 찾아 (1) in search of a right model (1) rather than [명사]보다는 차라리 난 돈 보다는 차라리 행복을 원해. I want happiness rather than money. I want happiness rather than money. 우린 전문 편집자들 보다는 차라리 아마추어 편집자들을 찾고 있어. We’re looking for amateur editors rather than professional ones. We’re looking for amateur editors rather than professional editors. 세린쌤: Maybe they’re working on a budget. 그들은 아마 빠듯한 예산으로 일하고 있다. 저는 당신에게 캔디보다는 차라리 당근을 먹으라고 충고합니다. I advise you o.. 2022. 4. 11.