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22.11.07.월 Raising Giant Stag Beetles as Pets 애완동물로 왕사슴벌레 키우기, 귀가 트이는 영어 Raising Giant Stag Beetles as Pets 애완동물이 왕사슴벌레 키우기 Giant stag beetles make for great pets due to their large size and intimidating pincers. A giant stag beetle is an uncommon species but you can often pick them up from your local pet store or online. Don’t forget to get a care sheet from a seller that should lay out how to take care of your beetles. Buying grups is more affordable than purchasin.. 2022. 11. 7.
22.11.07.월 Easy Writing 영화: Top Gun: Maverick: 36년 만에 나온 엄청난 속편 The great sequel after 36 years. The great sequel after 36 years. superior to [명사]보다 우월한 (better than과 비슷하지만 훨씬 뛰어난) 세린쌤: In English, we often use this word to describe somebody who has a higher ranking or a higher title at work. (예, He is my superior. 그는 나의 상사이다) 한국의 최신 전투기는 대부분의 5세대 전투기들보다 우수합니다. The latest Korean fighting jets are superior to most 5th generation jets Korea’s newest fighter jet is superior to most 5th generat.. 2022. 11. 7.
22.11.03.목 Donating Hair for People with Cancer 암 환자를 위해 머리카락 기부하기, 귀가 트이는 영어 Donating Hair for People with Cancer 암 환자를 위해 머리카락 기부하기 If you’re someone who wants to actively help cancer patients, donating hair could be for you. Cancer treatment can lead to hair loss. There are organizations that collect and arrang hair into wigs for people living with big C. Not all hair is accepted. Checking the guidelines first is advisable. Losing hair is not a blanket side effect of c.. 2022. 11. 3.
22.11.03.목 Easy Writing 정보: 여객기에 관한 흥미로운 사실들 (1) Interesting Facts about passenger planes (1) Interesting Facts about passenger planes (1) due to [명사] 때문에 그 회사는 수요의 부족 때문에 파산했다. The company went bankrupcy due to a lack of demand. The compnay went under due to the lack of demand. RMS 타이타닉은 빙산과의 충돌 때문에 가라앉았다. RMS Titanic sank due to the collision with icebergs. RMS Titanic sank due to a collision with an iceberg. 그건 스트레스 때문에 벌어졌을 수도 있습니다. It could happen due to a stress. It could have happ.. 2022. 11. 3.
22.11.01.화 Easy Writing 공지: 직장 내 괴롭힘은 용납되지 않습니다. Bullying in the workplace at work 회사에서; 회사에 있는 나 아직 회사에 있어. I’m still at work. 너 회사에서 불공평한 대우를 경험한 적 있니? Have you ever experienced an unfair treatment at work? 너 회사에서 그런 말을 하면 안돼. You shouldn’t say that kind of words at work. You can’t say things like that at work. =================== tolerate 용납하다 bother bully 괴롭히다 (파워/나이/힘센 사람이 약한 사람을 괴롭히는 것), 괴롭히는 사람 Don’t be a bully. workplace 일터; 직장 HR (Human Resources) 인사부 trivial .. 2022. 11. 1.
22.10.28.금 귀가 트이는 영어 What Are the Advantages and Disadvantages of Working Nights? 야간 근무의 장단점은 무엇인가? What Are the Advantages and Disadvantages of Working Night Shifts? 야간 근무의 장단점은 무엇인가? Despite sometimes having a bad rap, shift work creates numerous productivity advantages. It does, however, also have inherent risks. In particular, workers on the night shift have to face the pros and cons of working odd hours while trying to preserve their work life balance. Let’s take a look at some of the mai.. 2022. 10. 28.
22.10.28.금 Easy Writing 대화: 우리 모두 좋았던 옛 시절을 그리워하지. We all miss our good old days be filled with [명사]로 가득채워졌다. 내 마음은 기쁨으로 가득 채워져 있어. My heart is filled with pleasure. My mind is filled with joy. 그 병은 엄마의 김치로 가득 채워져 있었어. The bin was filled with mom’s Kimchi. The bottle was filled with mom’s Kimchi. 그의 인생은 따분함으로 채워져있다. His life is filled with boredom. His life is filled with ennui. ==================== Guess what? 맞춰봐 restore 복구하다. cringe 민망해서 손가락이 오글라들다. along with ~함께 tremble.. 2022. 10. 28.
22.10.27.목 I Regret Stopping Piano Lessons 나는 피아노 레슨을 중단한 것을 후회한다. 귀가 트이는 영어 I Regret Stopping Piano Lessons 나는 피아노 레슨을 중단한 것을 후회한다. My piano sits in the corner of my room. It taunted me. Every so often, I accepted to the challenge. And whenever I do, I lose. Like so many kids, I took piano lessons from an early age. My father was a big music person. He played the piano and the violin. My father had two expectations for me: to take music lessions and to appreciate the cl.. 2022. 10. 27.