Learning English online196 22.11.29.화 High Schools in Korea 한국의 고등학교, 귀가 트리는 영어 High Schools in Korea 한국의 고등학교 Entry into high school in Korea differs depending on which type of school you are applying to. In Korea, students go to high school for 3 years. You’re eligible to enroll if you’re a middle school graduate. High schools are split into regular, special purpose, vocational, or automous categories. Currently, high school is not mandatory in Korea. That means it’s not .. 2022. 11. 29. 22.11.29.화 Easy Writing 대화: 마음에 드는 남자가 생긴 친구 My friend has feelings for some guy. My friend has feelings for some guy. have good taste in [명사]를 보는 눈이 있다. ** taste 취향 ** 직역: 좋은 취향을 가지고 있다 => 보는 눈이 있다. 너 음악을 좀 보는 눈이 있구나. You have a good taste in music. 그는 여자를 좀 보는 눈이 있다. He has a good taste in women 마유는 음식을 보는 눈이 있어. He has good taste in food. 세린쌤: This is true. 선생님 has exceptional taste in Fried chicken. Remember? How you reccommended that place? ===================== guy 남자 i.. 2022. 11. 29. 22.11.28.월 How to Throw an 80th Birthday Party for a Family Member 귀가 트이는 영어 How to Throw an 80th Birthday Party for a Family Member 가족 구성원의 80세 생일을 준비하는 방법 Regardless of who the party is for, turning 80 is a significant milestone. But how do you ensure that the gathering won't soon be forgotten? The earlier you start planning, the better. Preparing well a head of time will make sure things go off without a hitch. Consider these ideas. Some folks prefer scaled-down party.. 2022. 11. 28. 22.11.28.월 Easy Writing 일기: 세리나의 다이어리: 보석 같은 내 친구 I feel lucky to have you as my friend. I feel lucky to have have as my friend. first [동사] = 처음으로 [동사]하다 내가 처음으로 널 만났을 때, 난 니가 내 아내가 될 걸 알고 있었지. When I first met you, I knew you would be my wife. 내가 처음으로 내 운전면허증을 받았을 때, 난 곧바로 차를 사고 싶었어. When I first got my driver’s license, I wanted to buy my car immediately. When I first got my driver’s license, I wanted to buy a car right away. 마유가 처음으로 Easy Writing을 떠맡았을 때, 그는 긴장하고 동시에 신이 나기도 했어. W.. 2022. 11. 28. 22.11.25.금 Easy Writing 뉴스: 아무도 없는 차 안에 남겨진 신생아 (2) An Infant inside an unattentive vehicle. (2) An Infant inside an unattentive vehicle. (2) can’t afford to [동사원형]할 여유가 없다. can’t afford [명사] 나는 서울에 집을 살 여유가 없어. I can’t afford to buy a house in Seoul. 그녀는 휴가를 떠날 여유가 없어. She can’t afford to take a trip. She can’t affort to go on vacation. 우리는 마유를 기다릴 여유가 없었어. We couldn’t afford to wait for 마유. ==================== owner 주인; 소유주 damaged 손상된 hesitate 망설이다 don’t hesitate to call me. situation 상.. 2022. 11. 25. 22.11.24.목 Why Audiobooks Can Be Great 오디오북이 좋은 이유, 귀가 트이는 영어 Why Audiobooks Can Be Great 오디오북이 좋은 이유 Audiobooks have lots of merits and have grabbed the hearts of many. There are still people who prefer the physical turnning of a page but audiobooks can be even better. Some have found that their reading comprehension improves when they make use of them. Others have suggested multi-tasking has becomes easier all with the help of audiobooks. You can get jus.. 2022. 11. 24. 22.11.24.목 Easy Writing 뉴스: 아무도 없는 차 안에 남겨진 신생아 (1) an infant inside an unattentive vehicle (1) It turns out that [평서문]인 것으로 드러나다; 알고보니 ~ 이더라. 그가 뭔가를 숨기고 있다는 것이 드러났다. It turned out that he was hiding something. 알고보니 그녀는 그들에게 뇌물을 줬어. It turns out she bribed them. 오해가 있었다는 것이 드러났다. It turned out there was a misunderstanding. ============================== passerby 행인; 통행인 infant 신생아- 1세 이하 toddler 아장아장 걷는 아기 dispatcher 긴급차량 배치자, 911에 전화했을 때 받는 사람 = emergency responder dispatch 배치하다 ambulance.. 2022. 11. 24. 22.11.23.수 Easy Writing 대화: 왠지 떨리는 입국 심사 Going through immigration makes me nervous. You’re all set. Going through immigration makes me nervous. how long [질문 어순] = 얼마나 오랫동안 [질문] 얼마나 오래 너 Easy Writing을 들어왔어? How long have you been listening to Easy Writing? How long have you listened to Easy Writing? 너 마유의 요리 수업을 얼마나 오래 들을 계획 중이야? How long are you planning to take 마유’s cooking class? 세린쌤: Just one day. He’s only teaching how to make a fried egg. 혹시 두분 결혼하지 얼마나 오래 됐어요? How long have you two been .. 2022. 11. 23. 이전 1 ··· 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 ··· 25 다음 반응형