Learning English online196 22.12.06.화 Easy Writing 영화: Home Alone: 파리로 휴가를 가는 캐빈의 가족 Kevin’s family is going on a vacation to Paris. Kevin’s family is going on a vacation to Paris. get in a fight with [목적어]와 싸우다 => “have a fight”, “fight”도 가능하지만 싸움을 시작(get in)하는 느낌을 강조 제이크는 자신을 괴롭히는 그 녀석 bully과 싸움을 하게 됐어. Jake got in a fight with the guy who annoys him. Jake got in a fight with the bully. 난 너랑 싸우게 되고 싶지 않아. I don’t want to get in a fight with you. 제리는 그의 가까운 친구 중 하나랑 싸웠어. Jerry got in a fight with one of his close friends. 세린.. 2022. 12. 6. 22.12.05.월 Reasons to Visit Your Local Library 동네 도서관에 가면 좋은 이유, 귀가 트이는 영어 Reasons to Visit Your Local Library 동네 도서관에 가면 좋은 이유 Simply put, a library is nothing more than a place where books are housed. But times have changed and the way people acquire their content is more digital. Ebooks are replacing paperbacks. People may start to question the point of a library. The truth is libraries are essential to local communities. They are not just loads rows of books where .. 2022. 12. 5. 22.12.05.월 Easy Writing 영화: Home Alone: 90년대 최고의 액션 코미디 영화 The Best Action Comedy Movie of the 90’s 세린쌤: That is a classic movie. I think when I see it on TV, I still watch it. It’s one of those movies that play in North America during the Christmas season on TV. It’s a classic Christmas movie. 세린쌤: Can I tell you something, 선생님? When I watch this movie, I literally wanted robbers to come to my house. 마유쌤: why? 세린쌤: Because he made things so fun. I hope I get robbed. consider [A] [B] = [A]를 [B.. 2022. 12. 5. 22.12.02.금 Ways to Bridge the Age Gap in Your Relationship 사랑하는 상대와의 나이 차이를 극복하는 방법 Ways to Bridge the Age Gap in Your Relationship 사랑하는 상대와의 나이 차이를 극복하는 방법 In the past, it was very common for a couple’s age gap to be just a few years, but May-December relationships are becoming more normal. Society has become more accepting of larger age differences. But a significant age gap between husband and wife may see the relationship strained about having different ideas about what the.. 2022. 12. 2. 22.12.02.금 Easy Writing 정보: 겨우살이 아래서의 입맞춤이란 무엇일까? What is kissing under the mistletoe? get together 모이다. 너희 이번 주말에 만나래? Do you guys want to get together this weekend? 여자들과 남자들이 그 주제를 논의하기 위해서 모였다. Women and men got together to discuss the topic. 그 시위자들은 명동에서 모였다. The protesters got together in Myungdong. ===================== mistletoe 겨우사이 tradition 전통 single 싱글인; 미혼인; 애인이 없는 (단수 명사 불가) singles 싱글인 사람들(복수만 가능) refuse 거부하다 bad luck 악운 good luck uncomfortable 불편한 outdated 구식인 =====.. 2022. 12. 2. 22.12.01.목 The Joy in Parenting 육아의 즐거움, 귀가 트이는 영어 The Joy in Parenting 육아의 즐거움 With parents being so busy, it is easy for them to forget how to enjoy life. Raising kids is beyond difficult and requires lots of patience. With the a balance of responsibilities and happiness, we can avoid the feelings of regret for what happened that day. This allows us to pay better attention and be more patient parents. If you stop to notice little things in you.. 2022. 12. 1. 22.12.01.목 Easy Writing 정보: 겨울에 관한 흥미로운 사실들 Interesting Facts about Winter. 세린쌤: Happy December! 마유쌤: 저는 December 너무 좋아해요. 세린쌤: Me too! 마유쌤: This is probably my favorite month of the year. 세린쌤: Oh, really? 마유쌤: 뭔가 연말에 막, 뭔가 약간 추운데 느낌도 싹 나면서 노래도 들리고, 뭔가 그런 느낌이 좋더라구요. 세린쌤: I know! It’s funny because it’s cold yet so it’s so warm. 마유쌤: Yeah, it’s weird! 밖에는 추운데 마음은 또 따뜻함. 세린쌤: And a lot of people get together during the month. families, friends, co-workers. It’s a really n.. 2022. 12. 1. 22.11.30.수 Easy Writing 통화: 에어컨 설치 예약 Making an appointment for air conditioner free of charge 무상으로 ** free 없음 그들이 그 엔진 오일을 무상으로 교체해줬어. They changed the engine oil free of chare. 당신이 10개를 사시면, 저희는 무상으로 배송으로 해드릴 수 있어요. If you buy 10 piece of it, we can ship them to you. free of charge. 그 보증 덕분에 난 그 세탁기를 무상으로 고치게 할 수 있었어. Thanks to the warranty, I was able to get the washing machine fixed free of charge. =========================== find out (정보를) 알아내다 I found out her age. fin.. 2022. 11. 30. 이전 1 ··· 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 ··· 25 다음 반응형