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21.01.07.목 Easy Writing 공지Notice: 노숙자를 위한 모금 We‘re raising funds to build a homeless shelter. Notice: We‘re raising funds to build a homeless shelter. go through [명사]를 겪다. 그들은 힘든 시기들을 겪고 있다. They’re going through hard times. 나는 고통을 겪고 싶지 않아. I don’t want to go through pain. 저희 회사는 많은 변화들을 겪고 있습니다. Our company is going through many changes. =================== home 집; 가정 adequate 충분한 basic 베이직 necessity 필수 Non profit 비영리 organization 기관;조직 homeless shelter 노숙자 쉼터 prepaid 선납된 =============.. 2023. 1. 7.
23.01.06.금 Easy Writing 대사: Living with Yourself 네 얼굴을 다시는 보고 싶지 않아. I don’t want to see your face ever again. clean [목적어] out = [목적어의 돈을] 싹 긁어가다. 그 집에 대한 대출이 내 돈을 싹 긁어가고 있어. The house mortgage is cleaning me out. The mortgage on the house is cleaning me out. 그 저녁 식사 청구서가 그의 돈을 싹 긁어갔어. The dinner bill cleaned him out. 내 딸이 내 돈을 싹 긁어가고 있어. My daughter is cleaning me out. ====================== never (부사) 절대로 아닌 hear 들리다 credit card 신용카드 passport 여권 travel 이동하다; 여행.. 2023. 1. 6.
23.01.05.목 Easy Writing 대사: Living with Yourself: 문제를 일으키고 싶지 않아. I don’t want any trouble. I don’t want any trouble. I would like [목적어] to [동사] 하기를 바래요. 당신이 우리 회사에 합류하면 좋겠어요. I would like you to join our company. 저는 그들이 저의 파티에 오길 원해요. I would like them to come to my party. 저는 당신이 파리에서 절 만나면 좋겠어요. I would like you to meet me in Paris. ======================= trouble 문제, 곤경 imposter 사칭하는 사람; 사기꾼 (=con artist) upstairs 위층에 downstairs at work 회사에서 attacked 공격당한 stranger 낯선 사람 Make sure yo.. 2023. 1. 5.
23.01.04.수 Global Economic Growth to Slow Through 2023, 2023 세계 경제 성장 둔화 전망 / 귀트영 Global Economic Growth to Slow Through 2023 2023년 세계 경제 성장 둔화 전망 According to the World Bank’s global economic prospects report, the world economy is slowing down. New Covid 19 strains could derail recoveries in emerging and developing economies. Growth globally is expected to dip from 4.1% in 2022 to 3.2% in 2023. Demand is weakening and interest rates are on the rise worldwide. The spread of O.. 2023. 1. 4.
23.01.04.수 Easy Writing 미드: Living with Yourself 새로운 Miles의 이야기 The story of the new Miles The story of the new Miles belong to [목적어]의 소유이다; 에 속하다 그 지갑은 내 여자친구거야. The purse belongs to my girfriend. 우리 서로의 것이다. We belong to each other. 그 전투기는 황중위의 것입니다. The fighter jet belongs to Captain Leutenant Hwang ================ undergo 겪다 notice 알아채다; 공지 treat 대하다; 다루다 affection 애정 original 원래의; 원본의 argument 말싸움 ensue 뒤따르다 devastated 충격에 빠진; 절망한 = frustrated X 1000 ================ after [~ing.. 2023. 1. 4.
23.01.03.화 Stage of Dating That Every Couple Experience 모든 연인들이 경험하는 연애의 단계 귀트영 Stage of Dating That Every Couple Experience 모든 연인들이 경험하는 연애의 단계 Spending time with your partner is the only way you’ll know if they are really the one. It goes without saying that relationships take time to develope. All relationships go through stages. As each stage of relationship passes, the bonds between you get stronger and you can make an informed decision about your future. How you meet .. 2023. 1. 3.
23.01.03.화 Easy Writing 미드: Living with Yourself: 오리지널 Miles의 이야기 The story of Original Miles The story of Original Miles have been [PP]된 상태이다. 그는 새로운 직원에 의해서 대체된 상태이다. He has been replaced by a new employee. he was replaced 2023. 1. 3.
23.01.02.월 Making a Study Routine to Learn English 영어를 배우기 위한 학습 루틴 만들기 / 귀트영 Making a Study Routine to Learn English 영어를 배우기 위한 학습 루틴 만들기 It’s no secret that more time you allow for studying English, the better your results will be. People have beccome too busy to find the time to study. But if you can creat a schedule with an allotted time slot for it, you are on your way to success. Creating a study schedule can greatly enhance your English ability. Knowing how your sc.. 2023. 1. 2.