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EBS 입이 트이는 영어188

[2021.07.15.Thu] 입이 트이는 영어 Changes in College Departments 대학 학과의 변화 [Speaking] Talk about Recent Changes in College Departments. Colleges in the past were devided into traditional departments, including the liberal arts, social science, natural science, engineering and medicine. But there is an emphasis on convergence education these days. Korean colleges are combining multiple departments so that students can choose to major in new field of expertise. The Depar.. 2021. 7. 15.
[2021.07.14.Wed]입이 트이는 영어 Living in Jeju for one Month 제주도 한 달 살기 [Speaking] Talk about Living in Jeju for a month Jeju island is a top tourist destination in Korea. But starting a few years ago, living in Jeju for a month has become a dream for many people. Of course, this can only happen if they quit their job or take a leave of absence. I lived in Jeju for a month after leaving my job to relax and give myself a chance to heal. I had visited Jeju a few times.. 2021. 7. 14.
[2021.07.13.Tue] 입이 트이는 영어 School Zones 스쿨존 [Speaking] Talk about School Zones School Zones are another name for child protection zones. The designation is given to areas with a high density of facilities for children under 13 years old. These include schools or private academics as well as areas within 300 memters of major school routes. It is a policy aimed at preventing traffic accidents by securing safety areas for children to get to .. 2021. 7. 13.
[2021.07.12.Mon]입이 트이는 영어 Kendo 검도 [Speaking] Talk about Kendo Kendo is a martial art that uses a Jukdo. A juk-do is a sword made out of bamboo. Its advantages include being light and less dangerous than metal or wood. Kendo is a sport in which the tip and middle of the Jukdo are used to strike target areas, including the head, wrists, and waist. You wear protective gear so it’s not too dangerous when you’re struck. Since swords .. 2021. 7. 12.
[2021.07.09.Fri] 입이 트이는 영어 How I Made Use of '입트영' 내가 입트영을 활용한 방법 [Speaking] Talk about How I Made Use of 입트영 to study English. 2 years ago, I missed the cut to become a tour guide interpreter. I failed in the second English interview stage, but last year I passed with flying colors. The biggest difference between 2019 and 2020 was whether I had studied daily with 입트영. I subscribed to the 입트영 monthly textbook for a year. I listened to the program at least twic.. 2021. 7. 9.
[2021.07.08.Thu] 입이 트이는 영어 Revenge Spending 보복 소비 [Speaking] Talk about Revenge Spending Recently, I saw a news story about throngs of people standing in line early in the morning to buy designer-brand bags at a department store. The urge to spend, repressed for so long by the coronavirus, is erupting all at once. This phenomenon is called "revenge spending." It refers to the way people splurge on items when their desire to spend money is pent .. 2021. 7. 8.
[2021.07.07.Wed] 입이 트이는 영어 Self-Improvement and Otuim 자기 계발과 오티움 [Speaking] Talk about Self-Improvement and Otium Otium is a Latin word that refers to leisure activities such as writing, painting, playing instruments, or taking in fine art. But its meaning goes beyond simple hobbies. It refers times when you can truly be yourself and activities that make you feel fulfilled. People who immerse themselves in otium aren't motivated by financial profit or externa.. 2021. 7. 7.
[2021..07.06.Tue] 입이 트이는 영어 How I Release Stress 스트레스 해소법 [Speaking] Talk about How You Get Rid of Stress I am an office worker in my 40s. I have been swamped with work at my job since my mid-30s and I have two kids. I've been stressed out in a lot of different ways. It hasn't been easy to relieve that stress. So, I signed up at a fitness center to decompress by exercising. I refer to Youtube videos and taugh myself how to workout. I exercised at least.. 2021. 7. 6.