You’re listening to 권주현의 진짜 영국 영어
Weekly Review on Saturday the 5th of December.
Today is the first Saturday of December.
Only for Saturdays are left you this year.
Make your wishes come true this month.
And I’m here for you to help you read and study to make your dreams come true.
All you need to do is look at the book, listen, and repeat after me.

2020.11.30.월 I had a blast! 진짜 재미있었어.
A: 진짜 재미있었어.
I had a blast!
I had a blast!
우리 자정까지 오래 담소를 나누었어.
We chewed the fat until midnight.
We chewed the fat until midnight.
B: 그러게 말이야. 우리 내일 또 이야기 하자
Indeed. Talk to you tomorrow.
Indeed. Talk to you tomorrow.
A: 지난 주말에 우리 너무 즐거웠어.
We had a blast last weekend!
We had a blast last weekend!
이번 주말에도 너희 집에 가도 돼?
Can we visit your place this weekend again?
Can I go over to your place this weekend as well?
B: 미안한데, 나중으로 미뤄도 될까요?
Sorry, but can I push back later?
Sorry, but can I take a rain check?
20.03.19.목 Can I take a rain check? 다음으로 미뤄도 될까요? 권주현의 진짜 영국 영어
Thanks for tuning in to 권주현의 진짜 영국 영어 on EBS radio. Today is Thursday the 19th of March. I reckon you burnt the midnight oil, but it’s time to learn posh accent with me. Wake up! Listen c..
2020.12.01.화 He is vanilla. 그는 평범해.
A: 그가 평범하다는 건 확실해.
I’m certain he is vanilla.
I’m certain he is vanilla.
B: 우와..난 그가 매우 특별한 사람이라고 생각했는데,
Oh my gosh, I thought he is a very special person.
Oh my gosh, I thought he is a very special person.
A: 나는 항상 번지점프를 하러 가고 싶었는데,
I always wanted to go bunjee jumping,
I’ve always said I want to go bunjee jumping,
그는 항상 안된다고 해.
but he always says No.
but he says No all the time.
B: 그는 아주 평범해.
He is so vanilla.
He is so vanilla.
그는 결코 너가 위험한 걸 하도록 허락하지 않을거야.
He will never allow you to do something dangerous.
He’d never allow you to do anything risky.
2020.12.02.수 He’s taking the mickey out of me. 그는 나를 놀리고 있어.
A: 상사가 내 머리에 반창고를 붙여야 한다고 말했어.
My boss said I need to put a plaster on my head.
My boss said I need to put a plaster on my head.
그는 나를 놀리고 있어
He’s taking the mickey out of me.
He’s taking the mickey out of me.
B: 그는 현명한 사람 같은데.
I think he is a wise person.
I reckon he is a wise person.
A: 정말 그들을 그렇게 세게 때려야만 했어요?
Did you really have to hit them so strong?
Did you really have to hit them that hard?
B: 한 무리의 남자아이들이 그 아이를 놀리고 있었어.
A group of boys was taking the mickey out of the kid.
A group of boys were taking the mickey out of him.
그 아이는 곤경에 빠졌었다고
He was in a pickle.
He was in a pickle.
20.03.20.금 I’m in a pickle. 난 곤경에 빠져 있어. 권주현의 진짜 영국 영어
You are listening to 권주현의 진짜 영국 영어 on EBS radio. Today is Friday the 20th of March. Saturday is just around the corner. Listen to posh accent with me and read out loud so that you can spea..
2020.12.03.목 Don’t fall for it. 속지 마세요.
A: 정말 새 거 같애.
It really looks new.
It’s as good as new.
중고 약혼 반지로 보이지 않아.
It doesn’t look like a second hand engagement ring.
It doesn’t look like a used engagment ring.
B: 그녀는 너무 영리해서 그 속임수에 속지 않아.
She is so smart that she doesn’t fall for it.
She is too smart to fall for that trick.
20.04.29.수 It’s as good as new. 감쪽같아. 권주현의 진짜 영국 영어
You're listening to 권주현의 진짜 영국 영어 on EBS radio. Today is Wednesday the 29th of April. How do you get over hump day? I've got to say go over everything you learnt in the week. Listen to 권..
2020.12.04.금 Suit yourself! 니 마음대로 해.
A: 나 천주교 신부가 되기로 마음 먹었어요.
I decided to be a Catholic priest.
I decided to be a Catholic priest.
B: 마음대로 해!
Suit yourself!
Suit yourself!
근데 엄마가 오늘 소개팅 자리를 마련했어.
But I arranged a blind date for you today.
But I have set up a blind date today.
넌 그녀를 만나야 해.
You’ve got to meet her.
You’ve got to meet her
출처 EBS 오디오 어학당 권주현의 진짜 영국 영어 Weekly Review 11/30~12/4
'2020 권주현의 진짜 영국 영어' 카테고리의 다른 글
20.12.08.화 I can’t be a party to this. 난 여기에 동참 못하겠어. 권주현의 진짜 영국 영어 (0) | 2022.12.08 |
20.12.07.월 It was put on ice. 그것은 연기되었어. 권주현의 진짜 영국 영어 (0) | 2022.12.07 |
20.12.04.금 Suit yourself! 네 마음대로 해! 권주현의 진짜 영국 영어 (0) | 2022.12.04 |
20.12.03.목 Don’t fall for it. 속지 마. 권주현의 진짜 영국 영어 (1) | 2022.12.03 |
20.12.02.수 He’s taking the mickey out of me. 그는 나를 놀리고 있어. 권주현의 진짜 영국 영어 (0) | 2022.12.02 |