Today is Friday, the 16th of April.
Why don't we keep a folder of your proudest moments?
Maintaining collection of moments you're proud of can help you get motivation for future projects.
swamp 늪/습지,
swamped 정신없이 바쁜
swamped with work 일하느라 정신없이 바쁜
A: 일하느라 정신없이 바빠서,
I've been swamped with work
I've been swamped with work
내 게임기가 감쪽같이 사라진 걸 이제 알았어
so I've just realize that my game gear has been gone.
so I've just realise that my gaming console has vanished into thin air.
** console 기계/위로하다
** thin air 공기가 희박한
B: 저 여보 오늘 돈 벌었어요.
I earned money today.
I made money today.
당신은 저를 믿기만 하면 돼요
You can only trust me.
All you have to do is believe me.
20.07.20.월 All you have to do is do it. 넌 그것을 하기만 하면 돼. 권주현의 진짜 영국 영어.
Welcome to 권주현의 진짜 영국 영어 on EBS radio Today is Monday the 20th of July. Starting a work week off right away can make the difference in your entire week. Make it easier on yourself by prepa..
A: 그는 일하느라 정신없이 바빴나봐.
He must have been swamped with work.
I guess he's been swamped with work.
B: 난 안 믿어. 그 얘긴 꺼내지도 마
I don't believe it. Even don't talk about it.
I don't buy it. Don't even bring that up.
21.02.12.금 I don't buy it. 난 안 믿어. 권주현의 진짜 영국 영어
Hello everybody! Welcome to the Authentic British English hosted by Kwon on EBS Radio Happy 설날! Today is Friday, the 12th of February. Today is 설날, Lunar New Year's Day here in Korea. Of course,..
[Step by Step]
난 지금 일하느라 좀 정신없이 바빴어
I'm a little swamped with work at the moment.
일하느라 완전 정신없이 바빠서 도움을 요청했지 ask for help
I've been absolutely swamped with work so I asked for some help 서로 다른 이론을 발표한 전문가들은 일하느라 정신없이 바쁠거야 will
Experts who published different theories will be swamped with work. 올해는 일하느라 정신없이 바빠서 휴가를 보낼 시간이 전혀 없어
I've been swamped with work this year so I don't have time for a vacation at all.
I've been swamped with work this year so I don't have time to spend my holidays at all.
[Speak like a Brit]
A: I've been swamped with work so I've just realised that my phone has vanished into thin air.
B: I made money for you. All you have to do is believe me.
A: I guess he's been swamped with work lately.
B: I don't buy it onestly. Don't even bring that up.
20.12.22.화 Don’t even bring that up. 그 얘긴 꺼내지도 마. 권주현의 진짜 영국 영어
You’re listening to 권주현의 진짜 영국 영어 on EBS radio. Today is Tuesday the 22nd of December. How to study language effectively. There are common mistakes to avoid when you study: spend all your..
출처 EBS 오디오 어학당 권주현의 진짜 영국 영어 I've been swamped with work. 일하느라 정신없이 바빴어.