Today is Wednesday the 15th of September. Happy humpday?
Well, is Wednesday a happy day for you? If not, imagine living a life every day as Saturdays and Sundays? Make everyday your weekend. This is according to singer James Murphy. Enjoy your Wednesdays with me.
오늘 친구가 아슬아슬하게 이긴 소식을 들었을 때, 쓸 수 있는 표현은?
직역: 나는 들었다/그녀가 이겼다/간신히
유래: 경마에서 말이 1~2위를 다투다가 코의 일부라도 먼저 결승선에 도달한 경우, 그 코 하나 차이의 격차만큼 우승한다
의역: 간신히 이기다;아슬아슬하게 이기다;간발의 차이로 이기다
A: 그녀는 경험이 비교적 부족하긴 하지만, 간신히 이겼다고 들었어Even though she was short in the experience, I heard that she won by a nose.
I heard that she won by a nose, despite her relative inexperience.
그 소식을 듣고 그의 반응은 어땠어?
How was his reaction to the news?
How did he take the news?
B: 너무 충격적이서 그는 몸살이 났어 ache all over.
It was so shocking that he had all ache on his body.
It was such a shocking news, so he ached all over.
A: 내 말이 우승하긴 했는데, 아슬아슬하게 이겼어
My horse did win but he won by a nose.
My horse won but only by a nose.
B: 뭐라고? 다른 순종thoroughbred 경주마들 사이에서 너의 당나귀가 경주를 이겼다고?
What? Among pure racing horses, your donkey won the race?
Excuse me? Your donkey won the race among other thoroughbred race horses?
[Step by Step]
넌 그저 간발의 차이로 이긴 것 같아
It seemed that you just won by a nose.
It seems that you just won by a nose.
그건 몹시 어려워서, 난 간신히 이겼을 뿐이야
It was so difficult that I just won by a nose.
That was very hard, and I only won by a nose.
난 그가 간신히 이겼을 뿐이라는 걸 알아.
I know he just won by a nose.
I know he only won by a nose.
우리는 여전히 실망스러워.
We are still disappointed.
We are still disappointed.
그 후보는 근소한 차이로 이겼어
The candidate won by a nose.
The candidate won by a nose.
[Speak Like a Brit]
A: 그녀는 장애가 있긴 하지만, 간신히 이겼다고 들었어
I heard that she won by a nose, despite having her disability.
그 소식을 듣고 그의 반응은 어땠어?
How did he take the news?
B: 너무 감동적인 소식이어서 그는 완쾌 all recovered 되었어
It was such a touching news, so he was all recovered.
A: 내 사랑스런 말이 우승하긴 했는데, 아슬아슬하게 이겼어
My lovely horse won but only by a nose.
B: 뭐라고! 다른 재능있는 경주마들 사이에서 너의 당나귀가 경주를 이겼다고?
Excuse me! Your donkey won the race among other talented race horses?
출처 EBS 오디오 어학당 권주현의 진짜 영국 영어 I heard that she won by a nose 난 그녀가 간신히 이겼다고 들었어.