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2021 권주현의 진짜 영국 영어

22.01.13.목 There was a sting in the tail. 옥에 티가 있었어. 권주현의 진짜 영국 영어

by Namaskara 2023. 1. 13.

Welcome to 권주현의 진짜 영국 영어.
Today is Thursday the 13th of January.
We learn English to communicate more effectively with more people.
You can actually do that.
No reason you can just do that.

어떤 것에 찝찝한 마무리가 있을 때?

** a sting in the tail 꼬리에 박힌 벌(bee)침 => 잘 나가다가 마지막 꼬리 쪽에 벌침에 쏘인 것
** 의역: 옥의 티; 찝찝한 마무리

A: 솔직히 옥의 티가 있었어.
Honestly, there was a sting in the tail.
To be honest, there was a sting in the tail.
그 간접 광고는 드라마를 매우 상업적으로 느껴지게 했어.
The Product placement made the series so commercial.
The Product placement made the drama feel very commercialized.
B: 전적으로 동의해. 너무 뻔했어.
I’m absolutely your side. It was so obvious.
I couldn’t agree more. It was too obvious.

20.06.16.화 I couldn’t agree more. 전적으로 동의해요. 권주현의 진짜 영국 영어

Welcome to 권주현의 진짜 영국 영어 on EBS radio. Today is Tuesday the 16th of June. How to study any language effectively. There are common mistakes to avoid: studying all the time from textbooks an..


A: 그 에피소드는 좋았지만,
The episodes were good,
The episode was good,
옥에 티가 있었어.
but there was a sting in the tail.
but there was a sting in the tail.
B: 또 그런다.
You do it again.
There you go again.
분위기 파악 좀 해.
Get with the programme.
Get with the programme.

** There you go. 바로 그거야 (상대방을 칭찬할 때)
** There you go again 또 그런다 (상대방이 안 좋은 행동을 반복할 때)

20.09.11.금 There you go again. 또 시작이군. 권주현의 진짜 영국 영어

You’re listening to 권주현의 진짜 영국 영어 on EBS radio. Today is Friday the 11th of September. What can I do on Friday by myself? Here are some ideas. Do you have something that you love and hate..


[Try it Now]
솔직히 말하면, 옥의 티가 있었어.
Frankly speaking, there was a sting in the tail.
그 간접광고는 드라마를 매우 상업적으로 느끼게 했어.
The product placement made the drama feel very commercialized.

그 마지막 에피소드는 좋았지만,
The last episode was good,
옥의 티가 있었어
but there was a sting in the tail.

[Step by Step]
그런데 그 실험 데이터에는 옥의 티가 있었어.
But there was a sting in the tail in the experimental data.
But there was a sting in the tail of this testing data.

우리 가족은 즐거운 휴가를 보냈지만,
Our family had a great vacation,
Our family had a great holiday,
여기에는 옥의 티가 있었어.
but there was a sting in the tail here.
but hhere was a sting in the tail here.

내가 옥의 티가 있었다고 말했잖아.
I was telling there was a sting in the tail.
I told you there was a sting in the tail.

[Speak Like a Brit]
A: 솔직히 말하면, 옥의 티가 있었어.
To be honest, there was a sting in the tail.
그 간접광고는 영화를 매우 상업적으로 느끼게 했어.
The product placement made the film feel very commercialized.
B: 전적으로 동의해. 너무 갑작스러웠어.
I can’t agree more. It was all of a sudden.
I can’t agree more. It was too sudden.

A: 그 스토리는 좋았는데, 옥의 티가 있었어
The story was good, but there was a sting in the tail.
B: 또 그런다. 제발 분위기 파악 좀 해.
There you go again. Please get with the programme.

20.11.05.목 Get with the programme! 분위기 파악 좀 해! 권주현의 진짜 영국 영어

Welcome to 권주현의 진짜 영국 영어 on EBS Radio. Today is Thursday the 5th of November. One said successful and unsuccessful people don't vary greatly in their abilities. In fact, they vary in their..


출처 EBS 오디오 어학당 5dang.ebs.co.kr 권주현의 진짜 영국 영어 There was a sting in the tail. 옥에 티가 있었어.

