Welcome to 권주현의 진짜 영국 영어.
Weekly Review on Saturday the 15th of January.
Well, Herbert Spencer said the great aim of education is not knowledge but action.
That’s right. Time to take acton!
2022.01.10.월 Let your hair down. 긴장 풀어.
A: 너는 신나는구먼,
I’m so pumped.
I’m so pumped.
드디어 10년만에 내 지갑을 찾았네.
I finally found my wallet after 10 years.
I finally found my wallet after 10 years.
B: 축하합니다. 이제 긴장 풀게나.
Congratulations. Now let your hair down.
Congratulations. Now let your hair down.
A: 어서, 내 생일파티잖아. It’s my birthday.
Come on. This is my birthday party.
긴장풀고 즐겨.
Let your hair down and enjoy it.
Let your hair down and enjoy your time.
B: 그럴 순 없어. 난 공부가 최우선이야.
No way. My study is first and foremost.
I can’t. I put my study first.
2022.01.11.화 He is hitting the road. 그는 여행중이야.
A: 그는 수백만명의 사람들에게 그의 새로운 음식을 홍보하기 위해 여행 중이야.
He is hitting the road to promote his new food to millions of people.
He is hitting the road to promote his new food to millions of people.
B: 그는 진짜 열정적인데,
He is indeed passionate,
He is indeed passionate,
사람들이 그 맛을 좋아할지 궁금하네
but I wonder if people will like the flavour.
but I wonder if people will like that flavour.
A: 이제 출발하자. 우린 갈 길 멀어.
Let’s hit the road now. We have a long way to go.
Let’s hit the road now. We have a long way to go.
B: 미안한데, 나 화장실 한번 더 가도 될까요?
Sorry, but can I go to the loo again?
Sorry, may I use the loo once again?
2022.01.12.수 He worked hard day in and day out. 그는 쉴새없이 열심히 일했어.
A: 그는 20년이상 쉴새없이 열심히 일했어.
He worked hard day in and day out for more than 20 years.
He worked hard day in and day out for more than 20 years.
그런데 여전히 대리야.
But he is still an assistant manager.
But he is still an assistant manager.
B: 안타깝지만, 그가 자초한 일이야.
It’s sad to say but he had it coming.
It’s sad to say but he had it coming.
A: 왜 그녀는 아이들을 위해 요리를 안 하나요?
Why isn’t she cooking for her kids?
Why is she not cooking for her children?
B: 그녀는 쉴새없이 드라마를 보기 때문이지.It’s because she is watching dramas day in and day out.
Because she watches soap operas day in and day out.
2022.01.13.목 There was a sting in the tail. 옥의 티가 있었어.
A: 솔직히 말하면, 옥의 티가 있었어.
To be honest, there was a sting in the tail.
To be honest, there was a sting in the tail.
그 간접광고는 드라마를 매우 상업적으로 느껴지게 했어.
The product placement made the drama feel very commercialized.
The product placement made the drama feel very commercialized.
B: 전적으로 동의하지. 너무 뻔했어.
I couldn’t agree more. It was so obvious.
I couldn’t agree more. It was too obvious.
A: 지난 주에 월급이 올랐는데,
I got a raise last week,
I got a pay rise last week,
옥의 티가 있었어.
but there was a sting in the tail
but there was a sting in the tial.
더 오래시간 일할 것으로 예상 돼.
I’m expected to work longer.
I’m expected to work longer hours.
B: 세상일이 다 그런거지.
That’s the way the ball bounces.
That’s the way the ball bounces.
그나저나 너 퇴근하고 할일도 없잖아.
Anyway, you have nothing to do after work.
you have nothing to do after work, by the way.
2022.01.14.금 I moved around a lot. 난 이사를 많이 다녔어.
A: 너 근데 말이야. 너 왜 항상 혼자야?
Here is the thing, why are you always alone?
Here is the thing, why are you always alone?
B: 어렸을 때, 이사를 많이 다녔거든.
I moved around a lot when I was a child.
I moved around a lot when I was a child.
A: 나 런던에 살 때, 이사를 많이 다녔어.
I moved around a lot when I lived in London.
I moved around a lot when I lived in London.
B: 금시초문인데.
I’ve never heard it.
This is news to me.
출처 EBS 오디오 어학당 5dang.ebs.co.kr 권주현의 진짜 영국 영어 Weekly Review 2022.01.10 ~ 2022.01.14