EBS 오디오 어학당1171 21.10.21.목 The Importance of Medical Checkups 건강검진의 중요성 [입이 트이는 영어] [Speaking] Talk about The Importance of Medical Checkups. 건강검진의 중요성에 대해서 이야기해주세요. Early this year I received the national health examination. 올해 초에 국가 건강 검진을 받았다. On the very day that I received the exam the doctor's diagnosis was that I might have colon cancer. 검사를 받은 당일에 의사의 진단은 내가 대장암일 수도 있다는 것이었다. Exactly 10 days after the exam, I went to a University hospital for surgery to have it removed... 2021. 10. 21. 21.10.20.수 Webtoons 웹툰 _ 입이 트이는 영어 [Speaking] Talk about Webtoons 웹툰에 대해서 이야기해주세요. Webtoon is a newly-coined word combining web and cartoon. 웹툰은 웹과 카툰이 합쳐진 신조어이다. It refers to comics that are published on online platforms. 해외에서는, 이 단어가 한국의 인터넷 만화를 지칭하는 고유명사가 되었다. Overseas, the word has become a proper noun referring to Korea's online comics. 해외에서는, 이 단어가 한국의 인터넷 만화를 지칭하는 고유명사가 되었다. Just 10 years ago, webtoons were not a widesprea.. 2021. 10. 20. 21.10.19.화 입이 트이는 영어 Working as an Engineer 엔지니어의 업무 [Speaking] Talk about the work done by Engineers. 엔지니어의 업무에 대해서 이야기해 주세요. I have worked for 15 years as a product development engineer. 15년째 제품개발 엔지니어로 일하고 있다. Developing a product is a complicating process. 제품을 개발하는 것은 복잡한 과정이다. First, the marketing department or the sales department performs market research on customers' needs. 먼저 마케팅 부서나 영업부서에서 고객 니즈에 대한 시장조사를 한다. After completing the analysi.. 2021. 10. 19. 21.10.18.월 Fostering Rescue Animals 유기 동물 임시보호 _ 입이 트이는 영어 제니쌤: Yeah. It really is a sad reality. So these, I guess, homeless animals, they need shelters and they need loving family. Someone that's more than willing to accept them into the families. But, you know, sometimes you may not find someone who is willing to take him in. So, often you will have familites that are willing to foster, give them foster car, 잠시 동안 이죠, for a temporary time. they will .. 2021. 10. 18. 21.10.13.수 입트영 Life as an Immigrant 이민자의 삶 [Speaking] Talk about the life of an Immigrant A lot of younger people these days dream of relocating overseas. 요즘 많은 젊은 사람들이 해외 이민을 꿈꾼다. I was one of those people. 나도 그런 사람들 중에 하나였다. Now I am in my 30s, I have obtained a green card in Canada and I'm adjusting to life here. 지금 30대인 나는 캐나다의 영주권을 취득했고, 여기 삶에 적응하고 있다. One of the selling points of emigrating has been that I have been freed from fine.. 2021. 10. 13. 21.10.12.화 입트영 Bringing a Child to and from School 아이 등하교시키기 [Speaking] Talk about Your Child to School and Back. As a working mom, I've never had a chance to take my kids to school or bring them back again. Even there was a sudden downpour, my kids borrowed umbrellas on their own or came home soaked in rain. My youngest child, now in first grade, went to and from school with her older sisters. But because of the coronavirus, I went to on childcare leave .. 2021. 10. 12. 21.10.08.금 입이 트이는 영어 Skincare Specialist 피부 관리사 [Speaking] Talk about Skincare Specialist I currently work as a skincare specialist at a dermatology clinic. I believe that the skincare is a process of aging gracefully. That’s why I take a great pride in my work. I’m filled with anticipation because I’ll begin attending graduate school in September. I’ll major in skincare and obesity. I want to research skincare and obesity to help people live.. 2021. 10. 8. 21.10.05.화 입이 트이는 영어 Sharing Through Monthly Donations 매월 정기 후원을 통한 나눔 실천 이현석: Do you make monthly donations or periodic donations to the charity organizaitons? 제니퍼: Monthly donations if I could name them, UNESCO as well as HSI which is Humane Society International ### animal protection organizations. [Speaking] Talk about Sharing With Others Through Monthly Donations. 매월 정기 후원을 통한 나눔 실천에 대해서 이야기해주세요. Thanks to a much better standard of living than in the past, kids t.. 2021. 10. 5. 이전 1 ··· 142 143 144 145 146 147 다음 반응형