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2021 권주현의 진짜 영국 영어

21.12.11.토 Weekly Review 12/06 ~ 12/10 권주현의 진짜 영국 영어

by Namaskara 2022. 12. 11.

Welcome to 권주현의 진짜 영국 영어.
Weekly Review on Saturday the 11th of December.
Well, it’s important to schedule one day and time to review the materials you have learnt.
Am I right? And we’re going to do that right now today on this very Saturday.

2021.12.06. 월 He is over the hill. 그는 한물갔어.
A: 그는 프로 골프 선수로서는 한물갔어.
He is over the hill as a professional golfer.
He is over the hill as a professional golfer.
나이가 좀 들었지
He is a bit old.
He is a little long in the tooth.
B: 맞아. 그는 이제 호수에서 양말을 벗지 않아.
You’re right. He doesn’t take off anymore in the lake.
You’re right. He doesn’t take off anymore in the lake.

A: 그 분은 99세이지만 확실히 전성기가 안 지났지.
He is 99 but obviously has not been over the hill.
He is 99 years old but certainly not over the hill.
B: 맞아. 그 분은 자기일에 전문가야.
Indeed. He knows his drill.
I know. He knows his stuff.

20.08.03.월 She knows her stuff. 그녀는 자기 일에 전문가야. 권주현의 진짜 영국 영어

Today is Monday, the 3rd of August. Some say it is hard to focus on Mondays. So, turn off your phone and make your study session again. Simplicity is the beauty of life. All you need to do is listen..


2021.12.07. 화 She is the power behind the throne. 그녀가 실세야.
A: 휘발유가 다 떨어졌어. 사장님께 여쭤봐야 할까요?
We ran out of petro. Should I ask the president?
We’ve run out of petro. Should I ask our boss?
B: 아니야. 그분의 따님에게 물어봐야해.
No. You’ve got to ask his daughter.
No. You should ask his daughter.
그녀가 실세야.
She is the power behind the throne.
She is the power behind the throne.

A: 그녀는 최근에 영국 왕실 가족이 되었는데,
She has become a member of British royal family recently,
She recently became a member of the British royal family,
현재 실세야
and now is the power behind the throne.
and is now the power behind the throne.
B: 대박이네.
That’s mental.
That’s mental.

20.04.10.금 That's mental! 대박이다! 권주현의 진짜 영국 영어

You’re listening to 권주현의 진짜 영국 영어 on EBS radio. Today is Friday the 10th of April. How was your day? or how is it going so far? Let me tell you a simple, a shortfire way to make today you..


2021.12.08.수 You’re the last person I expected to see here. 여기서 널 보다니 정말 놀랍네
A: 헉~ 여긴 어쩐 일이야?
Crikey! What brings you here?
Crikey! What brings you here?
B: 여기서 널 보다니 정말 놀랍네.
You’re the last person I expected to see here.
You’re the last person I expected to see here.
그냥 우리끼만 알고 있자.
Let’s just keep it between us.
Let’s just keep it between us.

A: 자 이 맛있는 영국 생선 파이를 너에게 대접하고 싶어.
I want to treat you with this delicious British fish pie.
Now, I’d like to serve you this lovely British fish pie
B: 기분 나쁘게 받아들이지 말고,
Don’t take it with bad feeling.
Don’t take it personally.
이건 내가 절대 먹고 싶지 않은거야.
This is the last thing that I want to eat.
This is the last thing that I want to eat.

2021.12.09. 목 I was pulling my hair out. 매우 화가나다/짜증내다/걱정하다
A: 난 매우 화가 났어.
I was pulling my hair out.
I was pulling my hair out.
그게 초대장이라고 생각했거든.
I thought it was an invitation.
I thought it was an invitation.
B: 욱하지마.
Don’t get upset.
Don’t go off the deep end.
우회로 길 안내일 뿐이잖아.
It’s just directions for diversion routes.
It’s just directions for diversion routes.

A: 당신이 나한테 말도 안하고 나가서, 난 매우 화가 났어.
I was pulling my hair out because you went out without telling me anything.
I was pulling my hair out because you went out without telling me.
B: 당신에게 온종일 아이들과 함께 지낼 수 있는 기회를 주고 싶었어.
I wanted to give you a privilege to be with kids all day.
I wanted to give you an opportunity to stay with kids all day.

2021.12.10. 목 Read the room first. 먼저 분위기 파악 좀 해.
A: 왜 그들은 아무말도 안 하나요? 뭔가 문제죠?
Cat got their tongues? What’s wrong?
Cat got their tongues? What’s wrong?
B: 먼저 분위기 파악 좀 하세요.
Read the room first.
Read the room first.
아무도 정치에 대해 이야기하는 것에 관심이 없어요.
Nobody is interested in talking about politics.
Nobody is interested in talking about politics.

A: 분위기 파악 좀 하세요.
Read the room first.
Read the room first.
학생들은 당신의 회사가 아니라 당신의 경험에 대해 듣고 싶어해요.
The students want to listen to your experience, not to your company.
Students’d like to hear about your experience, not to your company.
B: 미안해요. 제가 도가 지나쳤나요?
I’m sorry. I crossed the line.
Sorry. Did I cross the line?

20.07.31.금 You crossed the line. 넌 도가 지나쳤어. 권주현의 진짜 영국 영어

Today is Friday, the 31st of July. Well, what can I do on the last day of month by myself? Here are some ideas. Do you have something that you love but hate at the same time? I’m sure you’re into..


출처 EBS 오디오 어학당 5dang.ebs.co.kr 권주현의 진짜 영국 영어 Weekly Review 2021.12.06 ~ 2021.12.10

